Cement News tagged under: Trading

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South Africa: Vietnam cement imports investigated

15 November 2012, Published under Cement News

The National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS) has confiscated some sub-standard cement imported into South Africa from Vietnam and is investigating complaints lodged about the quality of two other imported brands. Daniel Ramarumo, a NRCS spokesman, confirmed yesterday that it had received complaints from NPC-Cimpor about Vietnamese cement, which was “later confiscated by the regulator” on 23 August. This incident follows the NRCS's admission on 7 August that some 50kg bags ...

Pakistan: Building material costs to rise

15 November 2012, Published under Cement News

While local Pakistani companies are anticipating a rise in building materials costs over the next year, their counterparts in Iran are already experiencing a hike of up to 30 per cent under the pressure of trade sanctions. Cement prices have increased by 20 to 30 per cent in Iran this year compared to the year before. It's because of energy, transport and supply costs but most of all because of the sanctions. The suppliers are not selling at the same prices as before. The currency exchange ...

Hike in Algeria’s cement import bill

13 November 2012, Published under Cement News

Cement imports into Algeria rocketed by 86 per cent in terms of value during the first nine months of 2012, rising from US$102.1m to US$190.4m, said the National Centre of Informatics and Statistics (CNIS). The increase – from 1.104Mt to 2.076Mt – can be attributed to the high demand for cement, particularly during the dry season (March to August). The supply deficit is estimated at more than 2.5Mta, according to cement group Gica. This has caused a price spike in the market with a 50kg b...

Nigeria eliminates need for imports in first nine months

03 October 2012, Published under Cement News

The Cement Manufacturers Association of Nigeria (CMAN) has stated that Nigeria has not imported cement since the beginning of the year, thus helping the Federal Government’s aim of making the country self-sufficient in cement. Speaking at a forum in Calabar, Cross River State, at the weekend, president of CMAN, Joseph Makoju, lauded the Federal Government for policies that have prevented the need for cement imports, thereby, protecting local industries. “For the first time in Nigeria’s h...

Cosmos ships 36,000t of clinker to Brazil

25 September 2012, Published under Cement News

Cimpor-owned Cosmos Cement will be shipping 36,000t of clinker from its Spanish Toral de los Vados works to the Brazilian town of Recife. The shipment, which started loading on Monday is the first of the new Langosteira terminal.

Ohorongo sounds alarm over cement imports

24 September 2012, Published under Cement News

If infant industry protection cement imports are not left in place, an investment of more than NAD2bn (US$241m) in the Namibian economy and hundreds of jobs created in the process could be at risk, according to Hans-Wilhelm Schuette, Ohorongo Cement’s managing director. The statement comes in response to the latest stage of a case before the Windhoek High Court in which Chinese-owned Jack’s Trading CC wants to have the cement import duty declared invalid. Ohorongo Cement has filed an appl...

Texas Industries asks Commerce to probe Greece, Republic of Korea imports

28 August 2012, Published under Cement News

Texas Industries, through its subsidiary TXI Operations, submitted a letter on 24 August 2012 to the Department of Commerce and the Interagency Trade Enforcement Center, asking that Commerce self-initiate anti-dumping and countervailing duty investigations of "unfairly priced" Portland cement from Greece and the Republic of Korea into the Texas region, USA. TXI believes that imports from Greece and Korea are being sold at less than fair value (ie, dumped) and benefit from government subsid...

Pakistan cement industry earns US$46m from exports in July 2012

24 August 2012, Published under Cement News

Pakistan's cement manufacturers and exporters exported 545,125t of cement and earned US$46.197m in the first month of current FY12-13, ie July 2012, compared to 612,500t at US$52.064m in June 2012. This reflects a fall of 11 per cent and 11.27 per cent in terms of quantity and value in dollar, respectively, on a MoM basis, according to data released by the government’s Federal Bureau of Statistics. Furthermore, if compared with July 2011 data of 740,592t cement at  a value of US$39.074m...

Pakistan loses Afghan cement market share to Iran

20 August 2012, Published under Cement News

The declining trend of cement exports continues to worry Pakistani manufacturers as cement exports to Afghanistan have plummeted by 10 per cent annually, owing to availability of cheaper Iranian cement there. The industry said that the energy crisis and constant hike in petroleum products have made its product uncompetitive even in the neighbouring country, the main purchaser of cement from Pakistan. Industry sources said that historically US sanctions on Iran have been an impediment for...

India Cements 1Q net profit drops 39.2%

14 August 2012, Published under Cement News

India Cements Ltd today said that it has reported a decline of 39.2 per cent in its net profit for the first quarter ended June 2012 at INR62.07 crore. The net profit of the company stood at INR102.03 crore during the same period a year ago, said India Cements in its filing to the Bombay Stock Exchange on August 13, 2012. Meanwhile, the company has said it is exploring at possibilities of exports to Sri Lanka and South African countries. Speaking to Business Standard of India, N Srini...