Cement News tagged under: carbon trading

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Largest fall ever as financial players liquidate positions, or are forced to close – return to compliance levels

24 March 2022, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark After reaching EUR98.50, the EUA Dec 22 has fallen to EUR68, representing a 30 per cent drop. This came in reaction to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the turbulence in all financial markets. As discussed last issue, financial players were taking profit and new margin calls from losses in other markets sent the EUA in a sell mode. Furthermore, rumours indicate that several large Russian trading companies sold EUAs to get cash, having...

Carbon reaches EUR100 in Cal23 – a new all-time high as power generation demands more coal and gas

24 February 2022, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark The EUA Dec 22 has set a new all-time high at EUR98.50, driven by real demand for compliance as especially coal but also gas are increasingly filling the gap left by a drop in nuclear-based power in France. To ensure sufficient baseload electricity, several coal-fired plants are being restarted.  However, financial players continue to make up ~35 per cent of the market and are only buyers with a target towards EUR100. It will be interesti...

Carbon returns to uptrend following retracement from all-time high in December

27 January 2022, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark   The EUA Dec 21 saw an incredible 200 per cent rise during 2021 from EUR31 to EUR92. More recently, the market saw a sharp retracement down to EUR72 reflecting the energy complex as well as calls for measures against financial speculation. However, as a report concluded that no manipulation had been taking place, the market quickly started its uptrend again. Compliance buying increased as power producers are using more coal as this is the ch...

CARBON: New records – now targeting €100 following increased physical and financial demand

21 December 2021, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark   Before its expiry day, the EUA December 2021 contract reached a stunning EUR91.50 all-time high, less than 10 per cent from EUR100, a number only joked about three months ago. An increased demand due to coal being by far the cheapest fossil fuel and speculators pouring in, as mentioned in previous reports, cut through resistance points at EUR75 and EUR80. Speculators have been looking towards EUR80-100 and a 10 per cent profit taking too...

Carbon market falling back as energy complex goes lower, reflects COP26 disappointment

22 November 2021, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark For once there were no new record highs. The carbon market was in the shadow of coal and gas markets, and reflected speculators liquidating long positions and seeing a fall below support at €60. In addition, it is also reflecting a lack of specific carbon news and an overall disappointment in terms of the pledges made at COP26. EUA front-year contract, January 2019-January 2022 No new issues were tabled, and the market fell to a l...

Carbon at new steady high, but European prices turmoil drive new debate of intervention in power markets

25 October 2021, Published under Cement News

By Frank O. Brannvoll, Brannvoll ApS, Denmark As usual, the carbon market set a new all-time high at EUR66 before falling 10 per cent to the current EUR60, five per cent lower than reported in ICR’s previous issue. EUA front-year contract, January 2020-September 2021 A fundamental demand for EUA was seen as several coal-powered plants were put online, driven by higher gas prices. The dark spread was 2x better for coal-fired power production than with gas, setting a true deman...

Swiss cement industry joins EU ETS

28 January 2020, Published under Cement News

From 1 January 2020 Swiss cement companies are participating in the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Based on the polluter-pays principle, the scheme will allow the sector to be exempt from carbon levies collected in Switzerland. Moreover, Swiss ETS participants will also be allowed to trade emission allowances in the larger EU market as the two systems have been linked since the start of the year. Cemsuisse, the Swiss cement association, believes the system is an effective tool as i...

China's carbon trading passes CNY6bn

26 November 2018, Published under Cement News

China's seven pilot carbon trading schemes reached CNY6bn (US$863.9m) at the end of October, rising from CNY4.7bn at the end of 2017, reported the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. China's pilot CO 2 trading schemes cover the cities of Beijing, Tianjan, Shanghai, Chongqing and Shenzhen, and the provinces of Guangdong and Hebei. The schemes were introduced in 2013 and include the cement and other carbon-emitting industries. A total of 250Mt of carbon dioxide changed hands on the exchang...

Carbon trading – state of play

09 March 2015, Published under Cement News

Low prices and generous free allowances have meant that the cement and lime industry has been relatively unfazed by the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). Is this about to change? By Philipp Ruf, ICIS Tschach Solutions, UK. Figure 1: post-2013 carbon price development in terms of EUA price Go around the table at the board meeting of many cement and lime producers, and ask about their strategy for dealing with the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS). You’ll likely...