Cement News tagged under: cement consumption

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Nigeria: West Africa's fastest-growing market

21 July 2014, Published under Cement News

With 180m inhabitants, Nigeria is Africa’s most populous country. In the last decade, the country has achieved positive economic development. The government is implementing policies to attract foreign investors with emphasis on local manufacturing to replace the import of finished products such as cement. Compared to other West African countries, Nigeria has a well-developed and regulated stock exchange and a dynamic banking sector to support investment projects. Also, compared to other coun...

Argentina cement sales slip 1.8% YoY

17 July 2014, Published under Cement News

Argentina's cement deliveries fell 2.5 per cent MoM from 919,866t in May and 1.8 per cent YoY from 913,101t in June 2013 to 896,860t, according to the latest data from the country's cement association AFCP.  Exports reached 14,637t in June, up 57 per cent from 9336t the previous month, but down 19 per cent from 18,030t noted in June 2013. For 1H14, Argentina's cement producers delivered 5,304,617t of cement, some three per cent less than 1H13. Moreover, exports fells sharply from 144,60...

Peru: June cement sales advance 0.84%

16 July 2014, Published under Cement News

Cement shipments in Peru in June advanced 1.5 per cent to 807,953t in June 2014 from 795,896t in the same month last year, according to the country's cement producers' association, Asocem. For the January-July 2014 period, domestic sales edged up 0.84 per cent to 4,944,327t when compared to the equivalent period last year. Cement exports registered an increase of 25.9 per cent YoY to 116,177t from 92,271t. Peru's cement producers Cemento Andino, Cementos Lima, Cementos Pacasmayo, Cemen...

Spanish consumption woes continue

15 July 2014, Published under Cement News

Spain's cement consumption fell two per cent YoY to 967,790t in June, according to the latest data from Oficemen, the country's cement association. The latest set of figures brings the total for the 1H14 to 5.2Mt, indicating a market contraction of 3.2 per cent over the same period of 2013. Isidoro Miranda, chairman, and Aniceto Zaragoza, CEO of Oficemen, have said they expect the year to close with a domestic demand of 10.4Mt and have called it "the worst year for the industry in half a ...

Decline in housing starts dent Moroccan demand

15 July 2014, Published under Cement News

The first half of 2014 has seen cement sales in Morocco experience a 4.4 per cent decline to 7.435Mt, latest figures released by the country's cement producers' association, APC, show. Industry analysts expect Morocco to experience a further year of decreasing sales after deliveries to the domestic market were down 6.3 per cent YoY at the end of 2013. According to Attaijari Intermediation, a 4.4 per cent drop in domestic cement sales is forecast by the end of 2014, mainly due to a signifi...

Construction boosts Kenyan cement demand

08 July 2014, Published under Cement News

In May, cement consumption in the Kenya rose to 450,379t in May, up from 426,523t in April and continuing the upward trend noted since March when demand stood at 387,266t, according to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS). Since the start of the year Kenya has consumed over 2Mt of cement, according to the government agency’s Leading Economic Indicators report. When compared with May 2012, demand in May 2013 increased by 140,878Mt, suggesting an ongoing rise in demand this year...

Set for rationalisation?

18 June 2014, Published under Cement News

With the construction sector predicted to grow by just 1.1 per cent in 2014, there is little for South Korea’s cement producers to look forward to. As the focus turns to overseas markets, cement exports are on the up, but how long can this strategy sustain the country’s cement overcapacity crisis? South Korea’s cement producers will need to find a long-term solution to their overcapacity woes as the domestic market has reached saturation point and export growth is unsustainable ...

Moroccan cement sales notes 4.5 per cent drop in May

10 June 2014, Published under Cement News

Cement sales in Morocco continue to decline as dispatches in May fell 4.46 per cent, bringing the year-to-date fall to 3.37 per cent. The largest decrease was noted in the region of Oued Eddahab-Lagouira where sales plunged 18.5 per cent YoY to 13,273t. In Casablanca sales slipped 1.9 per cent to 835,469t in May 2014. However, in Guelmim-Es-Smar sales jumped 27.4 per cent to 97,353t. Moroccan cement producers have seen the domestic market contract significantly since 2012 when sales fe...

Russia: open to investment

28 April 2014, Published under Cement News

Attracting private and foreign investment is becoming key for Russia as prices in oil and natural gas come under pressure for funding state projects. Russia’s transition to a modern country will also require large volumes of cement and the ramping up of production capacity is already in full swing. In recent years, Russia has been building new, modern production capacity to replace old wet-process plants Russia’s economy continues to decelerate as consumer spending, key to the c...

DC market developments

16 April 2014, Published under Cement News

The United States’ DC Area has been the centre of attention in many ways during recent years. In terms of cement consumption, while the area achieved nearly 20 per cent growth last year compared to its 2010 trough, it may be some years before previous peaks are achieved. By Rob Roy, ROI Consulting, USA. ICR looks forward to meeting delegates at the 2014 IEEE-IAS/PCA Technical Cement Conference and Exhibition in Washington, DC. Visit us at booth No 112! The District of Columbi...