Philippines: Cemex achieves Energy Management ISO
Cemex Holdings Philippines’ subsidiaries, Solid Cement Corporation and Apo Cement Corporation, r...
Cemex Holdings Philippines’ subsidiaries, Solid Cement Corporation and Apo Cement Corporation, r...
The Rwandan government’s announcement of two major infrastructure projects is set to be a boon f...
Cemex has plans for seven energy projects in Mexico, including wind parks, according to its CEO,...
Despite short-term macroeconomic challenges, Nigeria’s demand for cement is expected to expand s...
Following its successful navigation of turbulent social and political waters, the Egyptian cemen...
Suez Cement Group of Companies (SCGC) reported an 18 per cent decrease in revenues for the third...
Following last year’s recovery in German cement demand, a subdued start to 2015 means growth is ...
Holcim (US) Inc, a member of LafargeHolcim, announced that five of its plants earned the US Envi...
PT Indocement will be hoping to benefit from the Indonesian government’s announcement earlier th...
Ohorongo Cement has received the first Environmental Excellence Among Industries Award hosted by...