Cement News tagged under: environment

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Best-practice APC selection

15 October 2014, Published under Cement News

Unforeseen shutdowns in air pollution control systems (APC) can be the result of insufficient process knowledge and lack of understanding of individual plant requirements. Moreover, increased dust emission due to low-quality or inadequately-designed APC equipment not only impacts a cement plant’s environmental footprint but can also cause extensive wear on other equipment, such as filter fans, which increases overall maintenance and operational costs. By Ahsen Hussain, FLSmidth, Denmark. ...

UltraTech Cement's power provisions

16 September 2014, Published under Cement News

In India, finish grinding typically consumes around 40 per cent of power while raw material preparation and clinker burning account for an additional 30 per cent. Therefore, an uninterrupted power supply is key to the smooth operation of any cement plant. To ensure such a supply, UltraTech Cement has recently commissioned captive power units at its Rawan, Rajashree and Andhra Pradesh works and is expanding its power provision with other forms of clean energy. By UltraTech Cement, India. ...

Carbon conversion projects

03 September 2014, Published under Cement News

Innovative carbon conversion and/or utilisation projects aim to reduce the CO2 in the atmosphere by converting it into useful products, rather than sequestering it. Although most commonly encountered in the area of biofuels, there are many other applications. Carbon conversion and utilisation is the area where the highest level of future activity is anticipated. By Charles Kline & John Kline, Kline Consulting LLC, USA. Figure 1: The Skyonic SkyMine ™ project schematic simplified ...

The promise of carbon capture

13 August 2014, Published under Cement News

As cement companies consider ways to lower their CO2 emissions, carbon capture is expected to provide a key component of their efforts. While first-generation carbon capture technologies have been around for application in other sectors, the cement industry continues to look for an economical way to capture carbon that is also suitable for use in cement plants worldwide. By Charles Kline & John Kline, Kline Consulting LLC, USA. Figure 1: overview of broad categories of CO2 capture tec...

Kenya's waste tyre drive

04 August 2014, Published under Cement News

On behalf of the German Ministry for Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH is currently supporting the Kenyan government to implement a sustainable and environmentally-sound waste tyre management system in the east African country. For this purpose a Strategic Alliance has been established between GIZ and companies from the cement industry, from the tyre sector (tyre traders, tyre producers) and from the road transport secto...

Decisions, decisions...

14 July 2014, Published under Cement News

Waste heat power generation (WHPG) has become an increasingly attractive option for cement producers seeking to reduce net energy consumption, enhance sustainablity and remain competitive. While evaluating the installation of a WHPG system in terms of energy costs savings is a primary consideration, it is also crucial to ensure the system integrates seamlessly with the cement production process and is adapted to meet the individual characteristics of each plant. By JFE Engineering Corp, Japa...

Go process: sun and cement

30 June 2014, Published under Cement News

In its search to substitute traditional energy sources such as fossil fuels, the cement industry is exploring several alternatives. One such option is the use of concentrated solar thermal (CST) energy in the calcination process to achieve the continuous operation of the cement plant using a hybrid process. By Ricardo S Gonzalez, Cemex Latam Holdings, Colombia. The use of concentrated solar thermal energy is one alternative option to provide the energy required in the calcination p...

Project Slite 75%

03 June 2014, Published under Cement News

Recent years have seen HeidelbergCement’s Slite cement works in Sweden steadily increase its use of alternative fuels to the 40-45 per cent mark. However, HeidelbergCement’s global substitution target of 30 per cent by 2020 has provided Slite with the impetus to raise fuel substitution to an ambitious 75 per cent. By Jan Theulen, HeidelbergCement, Belgium and Per Ole Morken, Slite cement plant, Sweden. The work of Slite’s project team resulted in lifting the plant’s alternative fuel r...

CO2 - a catalyst for change

23 May 2014, Published under Cement News

Cement production in 2014 is expected to surpass 4bnt in 2014, resulting in carbon dioxide emissions by the cement sector of roughly the same level. At the same time, the world is looking for increasing energy supplies and therefore the conversion of CO2 emitted by cement plants into a usable fuel is a compelling option. By David St Angelo, Joule, USA. Converting CO2 from cement plants to fuel: using an ubiquitous waste product to meet one of the world’s key challenges Rather th...

Mercury in Latin America

16 May 2014, Published under Cement News

The signing of the Minamata Convention on Mercury on 10 October 2013 will encourage governments to pass new and more stringent regulations on mercury abatement in the cement industry. One such example is the USA which will see new rules come into effect in 2015. Further south, the mercury issue is moving onto the sustainability agenda of Latin American cement producers. Kline Consulting considers how they can effectively reduce mercury levels in their cement plants. By John Kline & Charles K...