Tyres: going full circle
Contributing to the circular economy, an innovative tyre-burning initiative at PPC’s De Hoek p...
Contributing to the circular economy, an innovative tyre-burning initiative at PPC’s De Hoek p...
While current environmental legislation expects the extractive industry to restore its abandoned...
The development of new alternative fuel (AF) processing and handling technology has enabled ceme...
The safe disposal of hydrofluorocarbons, present in end-of-service refrigerants, is key in helpi...
The construction and operation of cement plants carry the potential to have a profound impact on...
In the run-up to the IEEE-IAS/PCA Cement Industry Technical Conference in Calgary, Canada, Adam ...
With cement demand anticipated to rise over the coming years and production capacity set to soar...
Activated carbon sorbent injection has enabled many cement plants to minimise mercury emissions ...
The European Parliament and the Council (Environment Ministers) agreed on 28 February its negoti...
Particular finds of scientific importance can transform the perception of quarries as sites of d...