Cement News tagged under: environmental

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St Marys Cement to pilot new CO2 absorption system

25 January 2012, Published under Cement News

Toronto-based Pond Biofuels is piloting a new CO2 absorption system at St Marys Cement, Canada. The new equipment will cut greenhouse gases by absorbing dirty stack emissions to grow algae which can subsequently be used in oil production, converted into biodiesel and bioplastics or act as a renewable coal substitute. “Algal biomass can produce the same amount of energy as the equivalent amount of coal, and can be refined to produce higher grade fuels such as diesel and ethanol among ot...

Lehigh quarry development discussions, USA

23 January 2012, Published under Cement News

Residents of New Windsor, Maryland, USA, are hoping that a public hearing will be granted by the US Army Corps of Engineers on a permit application by Lehigh Cement Co in relation to the development of its New Windsor quarry. The Corps first held a formal public comment period last year, but residents have continued to comment on the impact the development could have on streams and wetlands. Therefore, there remains the possibility that a new public notice could be put out, Landmark Commu...

India: NCP demands closure of illegal cement units

09 January 2012, Published under Cement News

India’s opposition, National Congress Party, today demanded the government should stop all cement plants operating illegally in Jaintia Hills district beside a compensation in line with which Supreme Court had imposed on Lafarge Umiam Pvt Ltd. The demand came in the wake of the findings of the High Power Committee of Meghalaya government which submitted its report in the late hours last year. "We demand the government to close down all cement companies in operation in Jaintia Hills distri...

Essroc to improve environmental protection measures

03 January 2012, Published under Cement News

The Department of Justice and the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that Essroc Cement Company has agreed to pay a US$1.7m penalty and invest approximately US$33m in pollution control technology to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Air Act (CAA) at six of its Portland cement manufacturing plants. The settlement will protect Americans’ health by reducing more than 7000t of NOx and SO2 pollution each year. Essroc has also agreed to spend US$745,000 to mitigate the effect...

Philippine cement sector recognised

03 January 2012, Published under Cement News

In recognition awards outstanding practices in sustainable development, the Federation of Philippine Industries, FPI, has awarded more than just outstanding corporations. FPI also recognised exemplary industries as well as Local Government Units (LGUs) which partnered with FPI members in sustainable development initiatives.  Outstanding practices in sustainable development were recognised in the areas of waste management, optimum use of resources, health and safety and corporate social respo...

Philippines cement industry: sustainability practices praised

02 January 2012, Published under Cement News

The Cement Manufacturers’ Association of the Philippines (CeMAP) has accepted two awards on behalf of the industry from The Federation of Philippine Industries (FPI). The cement industry was praised for its outstanding practices in the areas of waste management and corporate social responsibility (CSR). CeMAP President Ernesto Ordoñez stressed that CeMAP, through its Sustainable Development Committee, fosters among its members “more than” compliance with regulations stipulated in the Clean ...

USA: Essroc Cement Company to pay US$1.7m penalty

30 December 2011, Published under Cement News

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) announced that Essroc Cement Company has agreed to pay a US$1.7m penalty and invest approximately US$33m in pollution control technology to resolve alleged violations of the Clean Air Act (CAA) at six of its cement plants. The settlement will protect Americans’ health by reducing more than 7000tpa of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and sulphur sioxide (SO2) pollution each year. Essroc has also agreed to spend US$745...

Pakistan’s Lucky Cement reduces CO2 emissions by 80,000tpa

29 December 2011, Published under Cement News

Lucky Cement has reduced its annual CO2 emissions by 80,000t as it completed two waste heat recovery projects. At its Karachi plant, the new installation meant a cut of 50,000tpa in CO2 emissions while at the Pezu works, emissions fell by 29,918tpa, said the company in a statement.   The projects qualified the company for CDM carbon credits under the Kyoto Protocol.

Lehigh Cement receives tentative DEC approval to burn Enviro-Fuelcubes

29 December 2011, Published under Cement News

The Glens Falls plant has received tentative approval from the state Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to burn Enviro-Fuelcubes, a fuel source made from wood, paper products and non-recyclable plastics, and used as a cost-effective replacement to coal.   Stuart Guinther, Lehigh’s plant manager, has said the alternative fuel is cost-effective, while putting materials to use that would otherwise end up in a landfill.   Supervised tests were carried o...

Holcim Malaysia to launch eco-cement

23 December 2011, Published under Cement News

Holcim Malaysia plans to launch the first eco-label certified cement range early next month. This will be followed by several new value added services in line with Holcim Malaysia’s commercial strategy, including an online ordering system called I-Shop. I-Shop will allow clients to track the history of their orders, deliveries, make further orders and track payments, Holcim Malaysia, a subsidiary of Swiss-based Holcim Ltd, said in a statement today. "Despite global concerns, we are optimis...