Cement News tagged under: exports

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Peru's cement demand up 14% in April

16 May 2018, Published under Cement News

Peru’s cement market expanded by 13.5 per cent YoY in April 2018 as cement deliveries reached 0.817Mt, according to the latest data from the country’s cement association, Asocem. When compared with the previous month when 0.816Mt was dispatched, a more stable picture emerges. Deliveries by domestic producers rose by 8.6 per cent YoY in April 2018 as they reached 0.759Mt. However, when compared with the previous month, such dispatches slipped one per cent from 0.767Mt. Domestic supply w...

Argentina demand up 14% YoY

11 May 2018, Published under Cement News

Argentina’s cement market expanded by 13.5 per cent in April to 958,241t  when compared with April 2017, but fell 12.2 per cent MoM, according to the country’s cement producers’ association, AFCP.This demand was met by 953,081t of domestic output and 5160t of imports. Argentine producers saw total dispatches decline by 11.3 per cent MoM, but YoY deliveries, which include exports, advanced by 13.3 per cent to 957,981t. Exports reached 4900t. In the first four months of 2018, the country...

Ciment de Bizerte exports clinker to Italy

08 May 2018, Published under Cement News

Ciment de Bizerte scheduled a ship to sail on 3 May from Tunisia to Italy, carrying around 8000t of clinker, as part of its export programme and continued performance tests of the company's new wharf facilities. The company has scheduled an additional 30,000t of clinker exports later in the month as well as the unloading of a petcoke vessel to ensure the smooth running of its facilities. Last month Ciment de Bizerte resumed exports to Cameroon .

GICA exports first clinker to Europe

03 May 2018, Published under Cement News

The Algerian Industry Ministry said GICA exported its first shipment of clinker to Europe in April. A subsidiary of state-run GICA Group delivered 45,000t. The shipment is part of a contract to export 200,000t to Europe. GICA is expected to export more cement to African and European countries in the near future, the statement noted.

Pakistan cement export revenue continues to grow

01 May 2018, Published under Cement News

Pakistan cement exports during the first nine months of the current fiscal year (July 2017-March 2018) recorded a YoY fall of 8.5 and 13 per cent in terms of quantity and value in dollar, respectively, says the Federal Bureau of Statistics, Government of Pakistan. Pakistan exported 3.337Mt of cement and earned export revenue of US$166.6m in July 2017-March 2018 compared to 3.646Mt at US$191.51m in the corresponding months of the last fiscal year. In March 2018 the country expor...

Pakistan releases survey with cement sector update

27 April 2018, Published under Cement News

The Pakistan Economic Survey 2017-18 was released on 26 April by Dr Miftah Ismail, adviser to the Prime Minister on Finance, Revenue and Economic Affairs. The report provides a detailed overview of Pakistan's economic performance during the year.   According to the survey, the cement sector in Pakistan comprises 20 companies, with total listed capital of PKR72.618bn (US$518.7m) and the market capitalisation of PKR610.576bn (US$436m). The recent growth in domestic cement demand has been c...

The Peruvian cement market expanded 2% in March

20 April 2018, Published under Cement News

Peru’s cement consumption rose 1.9 per cent YoY to 816,000t and one per cent MoM from 824,000t in February 2018, according to the national cement association, Asocem. Cement producers delivered a total of 791,000t of cement to the domestic and export markets, up two per cent YoY and 4.7 per cent MoM. In February total dispatches reached 756,000t. Domestic deliveries rose 2.6 per cent YoY to 767,000t and 4.3 per cent MoM from 735,000t in February 2018. Cement production in March increa...

Export of clinker from Pakistan on the rise

20 April 2018, Published under Cement News

The Pakistan cement industry experts predict a greater clinker export potential for export since excess capacities in China have been curtailed substantially over environmental concerns, while demand from Bangladesh and other countries are also growing. India and Vietnam as well as east Africa (and particularly Uganda and Tanzania) remain viable export destinations for Pakistani cement producers, said Irfan Chawala, finance director and CFO at Lucky Cement Ltd and Irfan Amanullah, general ma...

Tajikistan increases cement exports to Uzbekistan

20 April 2018, Published under Cement News

Cement exports from Tajikistan to Uzbekistan increased by 162,000t in the last year, Exports to Kyrgyzstan were up by 16,800t, but exports to Afghanistan fell by 10,600t (8.8 per cent) in 2017. The main producers of cement in the first quarter of 2018 were the Tajik-Chinese Chung Tsai Mohir Cement and Huaxin Guyar cement companies in Khatlon region. The cement plants of Tajikistan over the first three months (January-March 2018) produced 774,000t of cement, the Ministry of Industry and ...

Vietnam exports rise 68 per cent in the 1Q18

19 April 2018, Published under Cement News

Vietnam has seen a 68 per cent increase in cement exports for the 1Q18, following the shutdown of several Chinese plants, according to Viet Nam News. Nguyễn Quang Cung, vice chairman of the Vietnam Building Material Association, announced that production in the country surged 18 per cent YoY in the quarter, marking the first time it had recorded high growth against an annual increase of approximately 10 per cent. The growth in exports was due to the policy change of the Chinese governm...