Cement News tagged under: manufacturing technology

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The cement industry’s energy challenge

03 November 2021, Published under Cement News

With global cement demand expected to rise by as much as a quarter by 2050, the industry faces a range of challenges to produce in a more sustainable way. One aspect is to reduce its energy input to reflect tighter emissions legislation. By Fabio Mielli and Juliano de Goes Arantes, Rockwell Automation, USA. Green construction and decarbonisation is expected to impact the way cement plants manage their energy consumption Worldwide trends such as increasing population numbers and ...

Sample preparation meets digitisation

26 October 2021, Published under Cement News

Process sample analysis is increasingly important in the cement industry. The preparation of samples is key to ensure rigorous quality control of a range of materials, from raw materials to the finished products. An automatic combination of mill and press can speed up this process significantly. By Marc Bornefeld, Andre Mehling and Jan Herzog, Herzog Maschinenfabrik GmbH & Co KG, Germany. Figure 1: combined mill and press HP-MP from Herzog Sample preparation in quality control l...

Measuring systems for CCUS

25 October 2021, Published under Cement News

Following the Paris climate agreement (2015), the decarbonisation of the energy and industrial sectors is becoming increasingly important. One of the most significant measures to achieve the climate targets is to reduce carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions. The capture, use and storage of CO 2 is an essential part of the decarbonisation strategy and an important milestone for a low-carbon future. By Aurélie Moll and Felix Bartknecht, SICK, Germany. Figure 1: CCUS ecosystem with possible ...

The future of process control

12 October 2021, Published under Cement News

The global task to ensure sustainable clinker and cement production has increased the complexity of plant operations. New process control technologies, including online reactivity measurements, contribute to the production of robust clinker and cement with minimum GHG emissions. Neural networks and AI are the first choice when managing large arrays of process and quality data. A new approach is essential to overcome time gaps from process control to systematically delayed compressive strengt...

Keeping Austria’s air clean

11 October 2021, Published under Cement News

Rather than a traditional pulse-jet cleaning system, Rohrdorfer Zement opted for a state-of-the-art SWAP-based dust removal system to replace the existing kiln and raw mill electrostatic precipitator at its Gmunden plant in Austria. The system is currently under construction and scheduled to come online later this year. By CTP Team, Italy. Figure 1: from the left, the sonic wave of the SWAP cleaning system travels along the bag In 2020 Rohrdorfer Zement decided to replace the ex...

Optimised fuel metering for Solnhofer Portland Zement

05 October 2021, Published under Cement News

As a result of the increased use of substitute fuels at Solnhofer Portland Zement’s plant in Germany, the existing pulverised coal dosing system was increasingly reaching its limits both in terms of range and dosing accuracy. Furthermore, it was foreseeable that the fly ash used for dusting the animal meal would no longer be available. Therefore, the cement producer decided to carry out a complex conversion of its fuel dosing system. By Intercem Engineering, Germany. Figure 1: coal du...

Clay calcination – accelerating cement’s green transition

30 August 2021, Published under Cement News

With the cement industry’s goal of working towards saving the planet, FLSmidth proposes a simple switch: replace 30 per cent of clinker with calcined clay for up to a 40 per cent reduction in CO 2 emissions. In this article the company outlines why the move is not only smart and efficient but is something almost every cement manufacturer could do right now. By Steven Miller, FLSmidth, Denmark. Figure 1: FLSmidth’s clay calciner system With seven per cent of all global carbon em...

Producing boron cement

24 August 2021, Published under Cement News

The creation of low-energy belite clinker is a specific area of research that aims to reduce CO 2 emissions from the cement manufacturing process. Boron minerals, of which Turkey has 73 per cent of the world’s reserves, are a possible raw material that can be used in the production of belite cements. TÜRKÇIMENTO, the Turkish cement manufacturers’ association has carried out a study into the use of colomonite boron ores to determine their suitability for the production of boron cement. By Se...

Retznei’s alternative transport

19 August 2021, Published under Cement News

For economical and sustainable operations, Lafarge Zementwerke GmbH’s Retznei plant in Austria relies on alternative fuels and raw materials to ignite the new calciner. To transport, store and dose kiln-ready material efficiently, the cement producer awarded BEUMER Group a contract to develop an individual single-source solution, at the core of which is a U-shaped conveyor. By BEUMER Group, Germany. Lafarge Zementwerke’s Retznei plant, Austria, relies on BEUMER’s single-source solu...

The potential of activated clays in cement

10 August 2021, Published under Cement News

One of the pathways to a more sustainable cement industry is the reduction of the clinker factor in cement. The use of thermally-activated clays not only reduces the clinker content but also lowers CO 2 emissions as a result of dihydroxilation instead of dicarbonation and other energy savings. By Dr Carlos Aramburo, Carlos Aramburo Consultant, Colombia; Luiz Felipe de Pinho, Dynamis, Brazil; Dr Rafael Talero, SACACH SL, Spain, and M Pilar de la Torre, Carlos Aramburo Consultant, Spain. ...