Oman Cement orders ABB's optimisation technology
Oman Cement Co (OCC) will build on long-term ABB relationship with the installation of ABB’s sta...
Oman Cement Co (OCC) will build on long-term ABB relationship with the installation of ABB’s sta...
Humboldt Wedag India Pvt Ltd (HW India), New Delhi, India, a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag I...
IKN received as a special present the first clinker from the modified calciner and IKN cooler i...
Cemex has confirmed an investment of over GBP5m into two new plastic packing lines for packed c...
Hoffmann Green Cement Technologies has signed a partnership contract with French property devel...
OYAK Çimento AS has awarded thyssenkrupp Industrial Solutions (France) SAS the project to constr...
Aumund France has supplied a complete solution package to LafargeHolcim Côte d’Ivoire for clinke...
Sinoma International Engineering and its affiliated CBMI Construction are building a new cement ...
Bursa Çimento's new clinker line from FLSmidth will harvest significant sustainability and produ...
An Asian cement plant has achieved a refractory lifetime of three years in its cooler take off ...