China’s CBMI Construction Co Ltd has contracted FLSmidth for the supply and engineering of three complete control systems at two existing and one new cement line in Kirene, Senegal. The order became effective in the first quarter of 2021.

All three lines will have a shared digital infrastructure built on the FLSmidth ECS/ControlCenter™ platform, as well as its plant data management software, ECS/PlantDataManagement. The software is the operational interface for all data, allowing plant management to transform performance data into real-time KPIs and give operators access to critical process information via tailored dashboards, according to a press release.

According to CBMI Construction, the ECS software will play a role in operationalising the 12,000 data points at Kirene’s new third line. Apart from the digital infrastructure, the new line will also be equipped with an ECS/CemScanner® and QCX/BlendExpert™ to further optimise the performance of the plant.