Cement News tagged under: western Europe

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IKN completes test runs of calcium looping trials

15 March 2023, Published under Cement News

After successfully finishing CLEANKER’s test-runs of the entrained Calcium Looping (CaL) system at Vernaca cement plant in Italy, the complete project will be presented to the public at the 9th HTSLCN conference at Piacenza this week.     During this workshop IKN will present its plant design for the CLEANKER pilot project and the first steps towards scaling up to a full-size cement plant.   CLEANKER aims to demonstrate the CaL concept, one of the most promising technologies for ...

Hanson UK welcomes GBP20bn Government decarbonisation commitment

15 March 2023, Published under Cement News

Hanson UK's CEO, subsidiary of Heidelberg Materials , has welcomed the UK Government's GBP20bn (US$24.1bn/EUR22.8bn) investment commitment to decarbonise heavy industry. Simon Willis,  Hanson UK 's CEO, said: “We welcome the Government’s Green Energy Reset announcement and its ongoing commitment to carbon capture and storage (CCS), which is essential for the cement industry to decarbonise. Our proposed GBP400m Padeswood CCS project, in north Wales, will enable the production of net zer...

Starlinger releases its first sustainability report

14 March 2023, Published under Cement News

Starlinger, the Vienna-based machine manufacturer and woven plastic bag producer, has presented the first sustainability report for the year 2022. It provides information about the CSR policy that Starlinger has included in its corporate strategy, and measures the company has already implemented. Clarissa Graf has been responsible for Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) at Starlinger since 2019. Together with her team, she defines CSR measures and ensures their implementation as ...

Italy’s cement output sees 9% MoM drop in December 2022

13 March 2023, Published under Cement News

Italian cement production fell by 29 per cent MoM and nine per cent YoY in December 2022, according to the country’s construction chamber, Federbeton. When compared with the 2015 base index production the value declined from 85 in November to 70 in December. Cement prices in December 2022 slipped MoM to 210 when compared with the base year of 2015 (=100). Federbeton reported a 67 per cent increase when compared with December 2022. External trade Grey cement imports in November were up by...

Cementir reports significant revenue increases in Europe in 2022

13 March 2023, Published under Cement News

Cementir's regional results showed significant revenue increases in Turkey, Europe, US and Malaysian markets. However, cement sales were under pressure in most regions. Cementir ’s Danish sales revenues in 2022 reached EUR509.8m, up 23.2 per cent compared to EUR413.9m in 2021, due mainly to the rise in sales prices. Overall cement volumes decreased by six per cent compared to previous year. White cement exports declined by 29 per cent. Ready-mixed concrete volumes in Denmark fell by five...

Buzzi Unicem defends itself against defamatory campaign

13 March 2023, Published under Cement News

Buzzi Unicem has refuted allegations against its reputation with a company statement issued on 10 March 2023. “We are aware of a defamatory campaign against Buzzi Unicem which has been launched since the beginning of February, aiming to undermine the company’s reputation. The dissemination of the contents has been taking place through posts on social networks and/or direct messages,” said the company statement. The defamatory comments claim that Buzzi Unicem SpA, a company domiciled in ...

Modifying Germany's carbon capture plans

10 March 2023, Published under Cement News

As a leading industrial nation in the EU, Germany's carbon capture utilisation and storage (CCUS) strategy is key for the succesful reduction of European CO2 emissions. The German government has targeted net zero to be reached in 2045 and the cement sector is expected to play an important part in this drive. Progress is underway with cement industry CCUS projects at Mergelstetten and Rohrdorf featuring in the news. However, there is a concern about adequate underground storage of captured CO...

Cementir announces record revenues of EUR1721m in 2022

10 March 2023, Published under Cement News

Cementir announced historical group revenues in 2022 from sales and services totalling EUR1720.9m, up 26.5 per cent on EUR360m in 2021. The increase in revenue is mainly due to the price policy to mitigate the exceptional increase in the costs of fuel, electricity, raw materials, transport and services. It should be noted that at constant 2021 exchange rates revenue would have been equal to EUR1854m, up by 36.3 per cent compared to the previous year.  EBITDA reached an all-time r...

Breedon records revenue of GBP1396m in 2022

09 March 2023, Published under Cement News

During 2022, Breedon Group Plc   grew revenue by 13 per cent to GBP1396.3m (EUR1566.7m/US$1658.4m) in 2022 (2021: GBP1232.5m) and the company’s underlying EBIT rose by 16 per cent to GBP155m (2021: GBP133.6m).   The company completed three strategically significant bolt-on acquisitions and increased its net capital expenditure to GBP102m (2021: GBP71m) as bottlenecks in the supply chain relaxed while reducing Breedon’s Covenant Leverage to 0.7x (2021: 0.8x).   Volumes reduced in the...

Holcim Switzerland start deliveries with Hugelshofer Logistik electric truck

09 March 2023, Published under Cement News

A fully-electric truck from Hugelshofer Logistik AG is supplementing Holcim Switzerland’s fleet of electric vehicles and delivering cement quietly and without CO 2 emissions to concrete plants in Thurgau. Electric mobility is an important step for Holcim Switzerland in the development of its sustainable transport solutions. “Two years ago, Holcim was one of the first building materials manufacturers in Switzerland to put electric mixer trucks on Swiss roads in the regions of Basel, ...