Talks are currently under way with Clal Industries, the diverse Israeli holding company that has a controlling 75 per...
The Indonesian Minister of Finance is making fund allocation to finance legal efforts against lawsuit filed by Cemex ...
German cement maker Dyckerhoff AG said its supervisory board has named Wolfgang Bauer chairman from March 1, 2004, su...
As part of its continued efforts to improve its balance sheet following the acquisition of Blue Circle Industries, La...
The consumption of cement in the 11 months to November was up 4.3 per cent from a year earlier at 42.9Mt, industry as...
Mexican cement production rose 3.52 per cent in the first nine months of 2003, rising to meet higher construction de...
Mexican cement giant Cemex expects to reach sales revenues of US$1.7bn for the fourth quarter this year, translating ...
Danish engineering and cement group FLS Industries executive vice president Preben Tolstrup, 44, will resign as of Ja...
We are now less than two weeks before Christmas, and the dry bulk markets show no sign of a possible slowdown. This i...
Chia Hsin Cement Greater China Holding Corp said on Friday the underwriters for its initial public offering had exerc...