Our kiln is a 1800tpd coal fired SP kiln with a specific fuel consumption of 850 Kcals/kg clinker. For switching over...
For switching to natural gas you need to conduct a combustion audit with a specialised company. I would recommend Kil...
We are having a 1.5Mt six-stage Precalciner kiln operating with South African coal having a VM of 28 per cent. Now we...
There are well established guidelines for the safety operation of coal grinding equipment. These fall into two broad ...
Is silicosis a potential hazard in cement manufacturing? If so, what kind of protective measures should be taken?
Whether silicosis is a hazard of cement manufacturing depends on whether there is free silica in the raw materials. H...
I would like to know how to get rid of the rings that occurs around upper transition zone without mechanically breaki...
There are various options, but if you cannot avoid the problem by better control of the kiln feed chemistry or burnin...
Where can I find results and data about sulphur or alkali by-pass system. How does one determine the percentage of by...
There is a lot of data published on alkali bypasses in cement kilns. A good source of information is "Technological p...