I am working out the percentage by-pass required for a large precalciner-preheater kiln for the production of low alk...
There is no absolute relationship between chloride content and alkali volatility. This depends on the other anions pr...
Could you please advise us with optimum length for preheater cyclones inner pipes for increasing cyclones separation ...
Varying the length of the dip tube in a preheater cyclone will have two effects: (i) the cyclone collection efficienc...
I am working out the percentage by-pass required for a large precalciner-preheater kiln for the production of low alk...
There is no absolute relationship between chloride content and alkali volatility. This depends on the other anoins pr...
We would like to have your opinion and advice on following matters: our unit is a FLS design latest unit with downdra...
There are a number of concerns regarding the data you have provided: (i)The K 2 O and Cl in the fifth cyclone materia...
Where can I find results and data about sulphur or alkali by-pass system. How does one determine the percentage of by...
There is a lot of data published on alkali bypasses in cement kilns. A good source of information is "Technological p...