Amreyah Cement Company (AMCC), of Egypt, part of the Cimpor group, has awarded Polysius France a turnkey modernisation order involving the upgrade of kiln Line No 2 and the conversion of a cement mill at its Alexandria plant. The aim of the project is to increase clinker capacity to 3500tpd. 
The two raw grinding plants are to be equipped with SEPOL LM high-efficiency separators for a throughput of 170tph each, and the electrostatic precipitators are to be replaced with new bag filters.
Using the existing tower, the preheater is to be completely refurbished and a bucket elevator will be installed for raw meal dosing. In addition, a new tertiary air duct and a new kiln hood are to be installed, various modifications will be made to the clinker cooler and a new dust collection filter is planned. The cement grinding system will be converted from open-circuit mill to a closed-circuit system equipped with a SEPOL SV separator for an output of 150tph of cement.
Commissioning of the cement grinding plant is due to take place as early as 2012, while commissioning of the kiln system is scheduled for 2013.

Meanwhile, Tunisian producer Les Ciments de Bizerte has contracted Polysius France to modernise and increase the output of a kiln line in Bizerte in order to boost its output from the present 2000tpd to 4000tpd.

The turnkey order is focused on: onverting the raw grinding plant and installing a roller mill for a raw meal output of 300- 310tph, installing a modern rotary kiln and DOPOL preheater for a cement clinker output of 4000tpd, replacing the planetary cooler with a POLYTRACK clinker cooler, adapting the clinker conveying equipment to suit the new capacity, replacing the electrostatic precipitator with a bag filter, installing a POLCID system to replace the process control system for the plant sections crushing plant to cement grinding system.