Rise in Colombian cement production and dispatches
Colombia cement production in May amounted to 933,300t, 14.8 per cent more than the same month of 2010 (813,000t).
During May 2011, 870,000t were shipped, an increase of 15.2 percent over May 2010.
For the year to date (January to May 2011), cement production also increased 14.1 per cent over the same period of 2010. Meanwhile, shipments to the domestic market showed a rise of 12.5 per cent.
By department, Huila demanded the most input (39.4 per cent), followed by Cesar, Córdoba, Boyaca and Casanare, while Risaralda (with -5.6 per cent) was the lowest variation.
In the last 12 months to May 2011, cement production also grew 9.4 per cent, as shipments, up 9.9 per cent over the period between June 2009 and May 2010.