Demand for building materials in Iraq will increase as the country begins to rebuild infrastructure. Almost everything in Iraq needs to be rebuilt, including new oil infrastructure, utilities and social projects such as hospitals, houses and schools.
Increasing the production of the basic building materials needed for construction is vitally important. It is essential Iraq does not forget that the domestic cement and steel manufacturing sectors need to be built up so they are in a position to provide the materials required to rebuild the country.
Like oil production, cement and steel is going to require foreign money and expertise. A good example of this is the planned 2Mta greenfield cement plant at Karbala. Lafarge has teamed up with the investment vehicle MerchantBridge to build the plant. Lafarge has identified Iraq as a key market and stated that it intends to produce 10Mt of cement in the country after it completes its planned expansion.
Encouraging multinational companies to set up in Iraq is the vital next step for the new government. Creating a safe and mutually beneficial business environment that creates employment is essential to Iraq and will free up billions of dollars in the federal budget that can be spent on the Iraqi people.