Villagers of the areas around the identified plant and mine site of Lafarge India’s proposed cement plant in Himachal Pradesh have issued a statement through the company supporting the plant. According to the statement, they have expressed their anguish over the order of the NEAA.

"We have - the statement on behalf of the villagers says - learnt that NEAA passed an order setting aside the Environmental Clearance granted to the project. To the best of our knowledge Lafarge had duly followed all processes required for obtaining the EC. Our youths will remain unemployed and we will continue to exist in the financial condition that we are in now, if the plant doesn’t come up.

We had earlier submitted a memorandum highlighting the benefits that setting up of the project will bring in its wake. When abundant supply of good quality limestone is available in Tehsil Karsog, why cant the same be utilized for the development of the people and the area? If the limestone reserve can be scientifically excavated following all environmental safeguards it can immensely benefit the local people and the State Government.