The president of the National Cement Factory Sucre (Fancesa), Walter Arízaga, yesterday downgraded the company’s expectations on limestone deposits Maragua with the argument that the expansion project has other alternatives that will ensure the provision of raw materials for a future new plant, said ANF.

Arízaga to step out and the statements of some leaders of indigenous communities who expressed their objections to the granting of a limestone licence that the company has in the Maragua Area, about 20km from Sucre, where there are settlements of indigenous communities that have shaped the construction of a cement plant. 

The manager of Fancesa said the project of building a new plant, in the company which will invest about US$80m, not only considers the site under discussion, but also other concessions that exist in the area and are owned byprivate individuals, which can deliver the same amount that the industry requirements.

He warned that the board’s decision to initiate an expansion stage production is based on the situation of the domestic market for cement and other industries have similar plans to expand production capacity. 

The internal situation Fancesa has thinned with the directory entry of representatives of the Municipality of Sucre, one of three co-owners, which went on to control of the ruling Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) after the possession of the mayor in Veronica Berrios functions. 

The announcement of the construction of a new plant mobilised Maragua indigenous leaders.