Adocem to launch plan in 2H10 to boost local cement demand
The Dominican Republic’s Portland cement producers association Adocem will launch a project in 2H10 to stimulate local cement demand, Adocem’s director Julissa Baez told BNamericas.
"We aim for bigger purchases of cement for the construction of highways and public infrastructure. The Dominican Republic is a country that has invested a lot of resources in asphalt roads. We are looking to change this so public infrastructure can now be developed with cement," Baez said.
To achieve this, Adocem is planning to launch a publicity campaign to teach both citizens and authorities the advantages of using cement to build highways and other public infrastructure projects. In addition, Adocem representatives will hold meetings with government officials.
The association is also organising an international seminar to share experiences related to the use of cement with local firms and authorities. Cement demand in the Dominican Republic is currently at between 10,000-11,000tpd.
Presently, the Dominican Republic’s cement players are: local company Cibao, Mexican firm Cemex, Italian and local firm Domicem, Colombia’s Colon and Andino, and mixed Spanish and local firm Cementos Santo Domingo.