The US Geological Survey (USGS) reports that total shipments of Portland and blended cement in the United States and Puerto Rico for May 2010 were about 6.3Mt. This was about 1% higher than shipments in May 2009.

Shipments through May were about 25.1 Mt, down by about 6% from those of the same period in 2009. The leading producing States (Texas, California, Missouri, Florida, and Pennsylvania, in descending order) shipped 41% of the May total (table 1A). The leading consuming States (Texas, California, Florida, Louisiana, and New York, in descending order) received nearly 36% of May’s total shipments

Clinker production totaled 5.7 Mt in May, about 14% higher than production in May 2009. Production year-to-date totaled 22.7 Mt, down by 2% from that for the same period in 2009. The leading clinker-producing States (Texas, Missouri, California, Pennsylvania, and Alabama, in descending order) produced about 48% of the May total.