Cement shipments in the Peruvian market totalled 3.8Mt  between January and June 2010. This translates into a 17.52 per cent increase over the figure recorded in the same period of 2009 when they totaled 3.23Mt, the Cement Producers Association (ASOCEM) reported today.

During that period cement production was 3.88Mt, representing an increase of 17.9 per cent from 2009, when it totaled 3.29Mt.

In the first six months of the year only 1200t of cement was exported, which took place in March, while in the same month last year exports were 50t, which represents a growth of 140 per cent this year.

Total cement dispatches (including domestic sales and exports) between January and June totaled 3.8Mt, a figure that shows an increase of 17.54 per cent over the same period last year, when it totalled 3.2Mt.

Pablo Nano, analyst at the Economic Research Department of Scotiabank explained that the main factor that is driving the cement deliveries, and consequently the construction sector, is the recovery of private investment.