At the adjourned 90th annual meeting of the company in Kolkata on Tuesday, Mr Lodha, Chairman of the Birla Corp, said the company recorded its best performance ever in 2009-10. It is expanding capacity and continuing its efforts to control and reduce costs across all its divisions. At Satna, debottlenecking of the cement clinker capacity is expected to be completed by July 2010, increasing the capacity to 9600tpd from 7400tpd.
Similarly, at Chanderia, the expansion programme had already been completed and a 1.2Mt brownfield plant is being installed to raise the capacity to 3.5Mt. Furthermore, to optimise on the logistic costs, it is proposed to install a mixing and packing plant with a capacity of 3 lakh tonnes annually at Kota, Rajasthan. The grinding capacity at Durgapur is being increased by six lakh tonnes which after completion would raise the total capacity to 2.3Mt. Two power plants, based on waste heat recovery, at Satna (15MW) and Chanderia (7.5 MW) are expected to be completed by the second quarter of 2010-11.
After completion of the expansion programmes, the effective annual capacity of the cement division will stand enhanced at about 9Mt. The expansion and modernisation projects will not only increase effective capacity but will also result in substantial improvement in operational efficiency.
At the meeting, shareholders of the Birla Corp approved the payment of a final dividend of Rs. 3.50 per share, in addition to an interim dividend of Rs. 2.50, already paid. The total dividend for the year thus stands at Rs. 6 per share for 2009-10.