The official opening of the new Martinsburg facility, part of the Italcementi Group, was held on 5 June 2010. At a ceremony attended by West Virginia State representatives, the local authorities and the Italian Ambassador in the United States, Giulio Terzi di Sant’Agata, Italcementi CEO Carlo Pesenti cut the ribbon in front of more than 250 guests and plant employees.

The new kiln line implements best available technologies and replaces the old production lines that went into operation in the 1960s and 1970s. The plant will produce more than 2Mta, boosting Italcementi production efficiency on the North American market.

Like all recent Italcementi investments, Martinsburg is not only an extremely important industrial operation, but also a ground-breaking project in terms of environmental efficiency and end-product quality. Through its American subsidiary Essroc, with this investment Italcementi confirms its commitment to environmental sustainability and use of best available technologies. The new line guarantees that CO2 emissions are kept extremely low, 30% less than the old plant. The concentration of the main pollutants in the emissions has been reduced by at least 50%, as has thermal consumption. The Martinsburg facility is the most environment-friendly cement factory in the USA.

The investment is part of the program to recover industrial efficiency launched by the Italcementi Group in all its subsidiaries worldwide. Apart from Martinsburg, Italcementi is about to launch a revamped production line in Matera (Italy) and plants in Ait Baha, Morocco, and Yerraguntla, India.