According to the report on the activity of the Office for Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) in 2009, the incidence unfair practices targeted against competitors is on the rise. Last year, the Head of the UOKiK issued 65 decisions concerning unfair competition practices.

Among them was the decision concerning the so-called "concrete cartel", which was a secret agreement between a number of concrete manufacturers (LafargeCement, Gorazdze Cement, Grupa Ozarow, Cemex Polska, Dyckerhoff Polska Cementownia Warta i Odra) who shared the dominant position on the concrete market, making common decisions on the basic prices and price increases.

Members of the group have been punished with a fine of ZL411m. 2009 saw 492 explanatory proceedings concerning the protection of fair competition as well as 172 anti-monopoly proceedings. At the same time, however, the number of cases involving the violation of collective interests of consumers was lower than in 2008.