Pretoria Portland Cement (PPC)’s Beestekraal operation has donated 200t of limestone to assist the Brits Department of Road and Transport with the roadwork’s currently taking place on the R511 between Beestekraal and Thabazimibi. The limestone, which is mined at PPC’s Beestekraal operation, will be used to repair the many potholes that have developed along the 80 km stretch of road in recent years.

"In the run up to the World Cup, the South African government has made a concerted effort to improve the quality and safety of South Africa’s roads. At PPC Beestekraal and the whole of PPC, we are committed to contribute towards nation building and as such are pleased to be part of this initiative that will make the roads around our operation safer to drive on," commented PPC Beestekraal Mine Manager, Lazarus Meko.