Cimpor invests EUR133m in Brazil over last three years
Cimpor, whose capital is now controlled by Brazilian companies Votorantim and Camargo Correa, over the last three years has invested EUR133m in Brazil, which has made the market one of the main contributors to the group s results, according to website Portugal Digital.
In 2009 Cimpor employed 1,541 workers in Brazil, which is the biggest ever number. Cimpor has 1,407 staff in Portugal and 1,119 in Spain. The 2009 annual report and accounts Cimpor outlined that 2009 was the biggest investment year of the three-year period.
In terms of industrial investments, Cimpor applied EUR35.5m in Brazil in 2007, EUR43.1m in 2008 and EUR54.4m in 2009. Cimpor s turnover in Brazil in 2009 was the highest of the last three years, totalling EUR427.4m. This was also the case with EBITDA which rose 20 per cent in 2009 to EUR123.1m.
In Brazil, the company has a cement capacity of 6.28Mta, which accounts for around eight per cent of market share.