Another India-based company has won a tender to set up a cement plant in the North Rift as firms seek to enter the lucrative Kenyan market, according to local press reports.

Gleen Investment has been issued with a letter of offer to construct the factory in Ortum, West Pokot, following a proposal by Kerio Valley Development Authority (KVDA).

This comes a few months after Cemtech/Sanghi was given the go-ahead to build a factory in the Sebit area in Pokot.

“We have the pleasure to inform you that your bid for establishment of a cement processing in West Pokot was successful,” read the offer letter dated March 12 2010.

Late last year KVDA had expressed interest for bidders to undertake the construction of a cement factory as a joint venture with the authority. The management of the two bodies held a meeting last week to finalise plans.

Source: Business Daily