Titan’s Roanoke plant has no effect on property values
In Spring 2009, Titan America commissioned a study of property values for homes within a five-mile radius of its Roanoke Cement plant. The analysis, conducted by Samuel Long of Miller Long & Associates, concluded that the plant’s presence in the community has had no negative effect on property values. There are 1,660 households (2008) in the study area, which is up from 1,358 households in 2000. The median household income in the study area was $74,775 for 2008.
Long utilised the Multiple listing Service and Geographic Information Systems to examine real estate values and trends of homes sold since March 2006. Long concluded that “There is no evidence to suggest that the existence of the cement plant has had a negative affect on property values. Roanoke Cement Company has made a conscious effort to protect residential uses from the heavy industrial uses of the plant.” Due to the location of the plant, very little, if any of the facility can be seen from residential areas.
Added Bob Odom, General Manager of Carolinas Cement Company, “We are committed to being good stewards in all of the communities in which we operate. Wilmington will not be any different. Our site in Castle Hayne is zoned for heavy industrial use and has a buffer of land around the plant to ensure properties retain their value even after the plant is operational.”
Carolinas Cement Company is the new cement plant Titan America is proposing to build at the former site of the Ideal Cement plant in Castle Hayne. Carolinas Cement will create 161 permanent, full-time jobs, and 1,000 construction jobs during its two-year construction phase. When it reaches full operations, it will have an annual fiscal impact in excess of $120 million to New Hanover County. Carolinas Cement is a subsidiary of Titan America LLC.