India’s Aditya Birla Group said on Tuesday cement shipments in November rose 15.3 per cent from a year earlier to 2.93Mt from a year earlier.

Aditya Birla last month said it was combining its cement operations under group firm UltraTech Cement to make India’s No.1 cement firm.

Rival Indian cement maker ACC, in which Holcim holds more than 46 per cent, said on Tuesday shipments in November fell to 1.66Mt from 1.73Mt a year earlier.

Earlier, No. 3 Indian cement maker Ambuja Cements, which is also about 46 per cent held by Holcim, reported its November shipments rose to 1.55Mt from 1.49Mt a year earlier.

Jaiprakash Associates said its cement shipments in November rose by almost half from a year earlier to 1.03Mt.