South African cement producer Sephaku Cement expects site establishment on a proposed 1.2Mta grinding plant, in Delmas, to start early in 2010, after the Mpumalanga Department of Agriculture and Land Administration approved the environmental-impact assessment.

The approval served as a record of decision for the Delmas grinding plant, providing the final go-ahead to start with construction, Sephaku said, adding that its Sephaku Ash division had also proceeded with phase two of a fly ash facility at the Kendal power station.

“The benefits from the Delmas milling plant, combined with the commissioning of the fly-ash facility, are twofold. The cement product produced at the plant will have the extender element to it, which improves the cost and quality of the cement, and secondly, the fly ash facility becomes the second supplier of fly-ash into the market. This should improve service and quality levels to the clients,” commented Sephaku Cement CEO Pieter Fourie.