HeidelbergCement Ukraine (Dnipropetrovsk region), plans to shift Dnotsement’s usage of natural gas to coal during the January-March 2010 period.

"We will shift Dontsement to coal from the first quarter of 2010,"
Petro Hryhorchuk, company sales director told Ukrainian News.

He said HeidelbergCement Ukraine’s second plant - Kryvyi Rih Tsement (Kryvyi Rih, Dnipropetrovsk region) - is likely to be shifted to coal in December 2009.

"From December will shift the plant in Kryvyi Rih. In December we will received the first batch of products manufactured with new conditions," the sales director said.

As Ukrainian News earlier reported, HeidelbergCement Ukraine has said it intended to begin using coal as fuel at two of its cement factories instead of natural gas by the year 2010.