SCG has strong confidence in the people and economy of the Philippines, said Surasak Kraiwitchaicharoen, president of Mariwasa Siam Ceramics Inc.

SCG operates four companies in the Philippines including Mariwasa Siam Ceramics Inc., United Pulp and Paper Co., Inc., CPAC Monier Philippines Inc., and Cementhai SCT (Philippines) Inc.

Surasak recently participated in the panel discussion on “Business Relationship: Opportunities and Challenges” during “Thailand and The Philippines: Ties Beyond Times” international seminar at Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok, Thailand in celebration of the 60th anniversary of Thailand-Philippines diplomatic relations.

He said the Philippines offers many business opportunities as it has the same economic and political status as Thailand and it is strategically located where Asian and Western cultures meet. He also noted the beneficial factors from the country’s large consumption volume, friendly business policy toward foreign investors, and skilled English-speaking workers.