Cement sales are forecast to total 7.34Mt in Peru in 2009, an increase of 8.3% over 2008 thanks to middle- and lower-class housing dynamism, according to the consultancy Maximixe.

The government’s Plan de Estimulo Economico (PEE) will see Soles$1.7bil spent on the programme Techo Propio (Own Roof). Cement sales will also benefit from the execution of mall and hotel projects.

Sales rose 9.7% last year to total 6.78Mt with office-space construction aiding. In 2008, Peruvian production covered 96.5% of Peruvian demand, the rest imported mainly from the Dominican Republic by Latinamerican Trading (Cemex).

In the first quarter of 2009, imports fell by 43.5% and exports, by 1.7%. Full-year sales to the US are to dip.