Work has stopped at two cement plants in central Karaganda Region at once, according to reports from the BBC. The heads of the companies say that there are no orders [for cement] and prices for the construction material have dropped. Meanwhile, residents of a village nearby the cement plants worry that the production crisis may last for a long time and they may lose their jobs.
Management say that the holidays and cutting the work hours are caused by the economic crisis. There are no orders for the plant. Moreover, cement prices hav reduced from 11,000 to 7,000 tenge per one tonne. Therefore, they had to reduce production to a minimum rate.
According to the head of Central Asia Cement company: “As you know, we have temporarily stopped our cement production line at the plants of the Central Asian Cement and Karcement companies. Our new plant, has also been stopped for a month. We will resume the production at the sixth line of Karcement and at the old plant in March.”