Production in the state-owned Tamil Nadu Cement Corporation’s (TANCEM) plant has come to a grinding halt as majority of workers are on strike, protesting against the management’s refusal to offer a profit incentive

Official sources said that due to the strike, production of about 1500t of cement production was affected. As per the agreement reached between the Cement Plants Association and the representatives of various trade unions in April last year, the cement factory managements were to give Rs 6,500 each to all employees as a profit incentive.

But the TANCEM management did not honour its commitment saying they were unable to meet out such huge expenditure as the factory was now sick. Protesting against this, the members of the AITUC, CITU, INTUC, Anna Thozhirsanga Pervai, Hind Mazdoor Sabha, Bharat Mazdoor Sabha and other trade unions started agitating from New Year day and last night they commenced their indefinite strike, the sources added.