Weighbridge hattrick for cement loading facility, Australia
Ultrahawke has commissioned three weighbridges at Melbourne Cement’s loading facility in Port Melbourne.
The machines are mounted in shallow pits and have access hatches over the loadcells to avoid the need for confined space permits during servicing and cleaning.
The company says each fully-galvanized weighbridge is 32m long and 3.4m wide to accommodate cement tankers which are being filled cement tankers from overhead silos while on the weighbridges.
The extra length allows the trucks to be repositioned at multiple points on the deck to fill each tanker compartment from a single point.
All three machines are fitted with ten Flintec RC3 stainless steel loadcells with 30t capacities. Rinstrum R5000 digital weight indicators capture the readings for transmission as serial data to a central computer system.