The Irani company Azarab has reportedly won tender for exploitation of Padkamenne (the Homel region) limestone deposits in Belarus and a cement plant construction. Prime-TASS reports it referring to a source close to the Belarusian government. The foreign investor accepted the requirement of the Belarusian side on creation a cement plant with a productive capacity of 1.8Mta on the base of the deposit. Initially Azarab offered to construct an enterprise with a productive capacity of 1.2Mta.
Padkamenne is not suitable for industrial exploitation. In this connection the investor will carry out a supplementary exploration at their own expense, for what purpose an agreement on geological exploration was signed with the Irani party. After the exploration Azarab will prepare documentation for exploitation, which will determine new production capacity and volume of necessary investments.
On preliminary estimation, the Irani investor needs to put from Euro 350m to Euro 550m into the project. Moreover, Azarab must participate in realisation of local administration social projects. Experts estimate Padlkamenne limestone deposit of around 508Mt.