The construction of three new cement plants will kick off in Belarus this year, Construction Minister Alyaksandr Selyaznyow said at the ministry’s board meeting in Minsk on January 25.

The plants, which will have an annual output capacity of 1.8Mt each, are scheduled to be put into operation by April 2010.

 “A contract with the Chinese has already been signed regarding the construction of one of the plants and they need to get down to work in February,” Mr. Selyaznyow said.

The minister noted that the country’s output of construction materials had risen by more than 3bn rubels last year. The production of cement increased by almost nine percent, walling by 18 per cent, natural materials by 10 per cent and ceramic products by 10 per cent, he said.

The government expects Belarus’ annual cement output to increase to 9.5Mt by 2010, up from 3,820,500t in 2007. The country currently has only three cement plants.