Wärtsilä signs operations and maintenance contract for Nigerian Cement Co
An operations and maintenance (O&M) agreement, booked in September by Wärtsilä, is with United Cement Company of Nigeria Ltd (UNICEM). It covers the full operation and maintenance of the new 47 MWe Wärtsilä power plant at a new cement works located close to Calabar in Cross River State, Nigeria. The power plant is due to come on line in the beginning of 2008.
The power plant is being equipped with three Wärtsilä 18V50DF dual-fuel generating sets. The power plant will be the sole source of electrical power for the cement plant which is isolated from the national grid. The engines will initially burn heavy fuel oil but will later run mainly on natural gas when it becomes available at the cement works.
The O&M agreement with Unicem is valid for three years and covers operation and maintenance of the complete power plant.