Ash Grove Cement resolves clean air act violations
The Montana Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) has settled its enforcement action against Ash Grove Cement Company in Helena for violations of the Montana Clean Air Act. The enforcement action includes a $17,600 administrative penalty to resolve the violations.
In the spring of 2006, Ash Grove failed to submit their source test protocol to the DEQ at least 25 days prior to a source test, as required by their air quality permit. The company also exceeded the dioxin/furan limit during a partial source test and failed to perform a complete source test within the 30 months as required by their permit.
Ash Grove paid $4,400 of the administrative penalty in cash and is performing a pollution prevention supplemental environmental project (SEP) at the plant. Ash Grove will spend at least $26,500 to purchase components, construct, and install a new pulse jet dust collection system on the stone conveying unit to reduce particulate emissions.
Chad Anderson, DEQ Environmental Enforcement Specialist, said the SEP is expected to reduce airborne particulate matter emissions by up to 50% from the stone conveying unit.