President of the Association of Construction Businesses (ZSPS) Jan Majersky said  on Sunday that the price of cement in Slovakia will rise by at least 3-4 per cent next year, and probably by even more when energy priceincreases are taken into consideration.  
Much depends on cement prices charged by the largestbuilding-materials producer and distributor  Holcim. The Swiss-basedglobal company has announced that it will put up its prices of cementin Slovakia by six  per cent in 2008, citing the inexorable rise incosts, mainly of energy and salaries.  
The company is waiting for the EU quota for CO2 emissions,which could lift cement prices yet further by between Sk35-100 (1-3) per tonne," said Holcim CEO and chairman in Slovakia Roland vanWijnen.  
Marketing director Alan Sisinacki added that the constructionboom will continue in 2008, as is evident from the growth in housingconstruction and plans by major private developers and the Governmentto fast-track motorway building. "In order to ensure continuedsupplies, we’ve invested more than Sk80m this year in themanufacturing capacity of clinkers (used for cement production),"said Sisinacki.