Cement prices in Pakistan declined on Thursday by Rs10 per bag as the construction activities have slowed down due to shortage of workforce that is currently engaged in wheat harvesting in Punjab and Sindh.
The price of cement bag in Lahore that was available at Rs235 earlier this week has come down to Rs225.
Chairman Cement Dealers Association Sheikh Mohammad Asif said the demand of cement would remain depressed till May 10 when the harvesting of wheat would be over.
He said the demand of this commodity has declined at the national level from average of 73,000 bags per day to 35,000 bags on Thursday.
Sheikh Mohammad Asif said this is a seasonal phenomenon and the demand would surge on resumption of normal construction activity.
The News has learnt that the non-clearance of Pakistani cement exported to India has also put pressure on the cement industry.
The Indian customs are using the same non-tariff barriers to stall early clearance that was used last year by the Pakistani customs for imported cement when its clearance was delayed on the pretext of inferior quality.
The Indian Cement Industry is exerting its influence on the Indian customs to ensure that Pakistani exporters have complied with the quality and labeling standards.
Cement rates in India are very high and the Indian government has allowed cement imports from Pakistan to ease the rates.