Chief Minister Y.S. Rajasekhara Reddy laid the foundation stone for Rs. 1,500-crore Dalmia Cements unit at Navabpet in Mylavaram mandal on Friday.  
He also laid foundation stones for seven works worth of Rs. 30 crores in Jammalamadugu town, all on Sri Narapura Venkateswara Swamy temple premises, by unveiling plaques put up in a row.  
Dr. Reddy laid foundation stones for an integrated hostel (Rs. 1.50 crores), water supply scheme from Mylavaram reservoir to Jammalamadugu municipality (Rs. 12 crores) and Jammalamadugu bypass road (Rs. 18 crores).  
He also laid stones for sub-stations at Kondapuram, at Dodiam in Mylavaram mandal and other places.