Ukraine’s cement output rose by 9.5 per cent YoY to 11.508Mt in the first 10 months of 2006, data of the State Statistics Committee showed.

In October alone, cement production grew by 10 per cent YoY, but fell by 4.6 per cent month-on-month to 1.352Mt.

Estimates of local cement producers’ association Ukrcement showed that Ukraine’s overall cement production increased by 9.2 per cent on the year to 11.503Mt from January to October 2006. The total output of the 12 companies, members of Ukrcement, climbed by 8.8 per cent YoY to 9.163Mt in the period.

Ukraine’s cement production went up by 14.6 per cent YoY to 12.183Mt in 2005, according to data of the State Statistics Committee.