River Cement Company, part of Buzzi Unicem USA, has awarded Humboldt Wedag, Inc, member of KHD Humboldt Wedag-Group based in Norcross GA, a contract for the engineering and supply of equipment for the raw grinding system, the kiln feed system and a new 6440tpd clinker production facility at Festus in the State of Missouri. The new kiln line will replace two long dry kilns.

The pyroprocessing system is part of the client´s River 7000 renovation and upgrade  project, resulting in an increase of cement capacity of the Selma plant from 1.3 up to 2.3Mt. Raw mill system is based on a Loesche vertical roller mill. Clinker cooler will be delivered by IKN.

Humboldt Wedag Inc. will provide the balance of the raw grinding and the pyroprocessing system as well as of the plant auxiliary equipment including electrical equipment.

KHD proprietary scope of supply includes:
• five-stage, double string Humboldt preheater with a single PYROCLON®LowNOx calciner, equipped with a LowNOx PYROBOX® burner / a  PYROTOP®compact mixing chamber /
a tertiary air duct
• two-pier PYRORAPID® kiln with 5.4m diameter and 65.0m length,
equipped with a multi-fuel PYRO-JET® burner.

In addition to the equipment described above, KHD´s services include process, structural and civil engineering and the necessary site services to install, start-up and commission the equipment.
Start-up of the plant expansion is scheduled for 4th quarter 2008.