KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH, Germany and Humboldt Wedag Inc., USA, members of KHD-Group, have been awarded in 2006 engineering and equipment supply contracts for two clinker production lines with nearly comparable layout and design.

SIA Cemex, Latvia operates Latvia´s only cement plant at Broceni with a capacity of 400,000tpa cement. The client decided to install a new 3500tpd kiln line with state-of-the-art pyroprocessing technology.

Core components with KHD technology are:
•  4-stage, single string Humboldt preheater with PYROCLON®LowNOx calciner,
PYROTOP®compact mixing chamber and calciner burners.
KHD combustion chamber for enhanced use of secondary fuels.
•   PYRORAPID® rotary kiln with a diameter of 4.6m and a length of 54.0m
equipped with tertiary air duct and a multi-fuel PYRO-JET® burner.

In addition to the equipment described above, KHD´s services include process and electrical engineering and supervision of erection and commissioning.

Start-up of the plant expansion is scheduled for 2008.