Gujarat Ambuja has shown interest in investing Rs 1,000 crore in a cement plant in Marwar Mundwa region of Rajasthan. The chairman of Gujarat Ambuja, Suresh Neotia, indicated this while addressing the meeting of Economic Policy and Reform Council of Rajasthan here last week.
Besides this, Neotia said the company also planned to expand the existing cement plant in the Pali district with an investment of Rs 200 crore.
Neotia also commented on the vibrancy of the infrastructure sector in the state, as indicated by increased cement sales. Neotia offered to participate in a public private partnership (PPP) on water with the state government and the Gujarat Ambuja Foundation as partners. The chairman of NIIT, Rajendra Pawar, projected the need for the development of National Highway 8 (NH) in a controlled and planned manner.
"If this was done, it would promote economic activities along the corridor," Pawar said. The development should be planned around specific zones for manufacturing, knowledge and education, agro industries, and tourism and commerce. Bibi Russel a leading fashion designer from Bangladesh, involved in the initiative ’Fashion for Development’ stressed that with assured quality and variety, the international fashion market could prove to be a growth engine for weavers and artisans.
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