Bolu Cimento Sanayii A.S., Turkey, member of the OYAK-Group, has awarded KHD Humboldt Wedag the contract for a modification of its clinker grinding plant with the aim to:
replace existing drying drum for trass by a modern, energy efficient system, reduce investment costs by using the existing building and equipment, increase production to the maximum possible, reduce power consumption to the minimum.
A Roller Press / V-Separator pregrinding sytem will be installed in front of the existing cement mills 1 and 2 and will be operated in semi-finish grinding mode. The contract for engineering and supply includes as key plant components, all designed and delivered by KHD:
Roller Press 10-140/110
V-Separator VS 80/20.
Design is based on the production of trass cement at a fineness of 4,500 cm²/g according to Blaine. 35 per cent of the feed material will be trass with a moisture content of 12 per cent. Trass and other additives are dried in the V- separator with hot gas from clinker cooler and hot gas generator. The contract includes supervision of erection and commissioning. Commissioning is scheduled for beginning of 2007.